Sunday, January 10, 2016

Super Bowl Veggie Pizza

I don't watch a lot of football but I like to watch the Super Bowl. 

 We used to get together with our friends John and Paula for the super bowl every year until sadly, they moved away. Paula and I would talk through the whole game and then turn to the TV when the commercials came on. The commercials and the halftime entertainment are usually the best part for me. :)

Super Bowl Veggie Pizza
We always had lots of snacks to munch on during the game. This is an easy recipe to help kick off your Super Bowl party.

Super Bowl Veggie Pizza

Two cans crescent dough
Two 8 ounce containers of garden vegetable cream cheese
3 ounce of plain cream cheese, softened
11 grape tomatoes
11 fresh whole mushrooms
 3 cups broccoli, chopped
1 cup carrots, chopped
1 cup cauliflower, chopped
1 black olive

Preheat oven to 375º. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. I used a 12x17 sheet pan. Pop open the cans of crescent dough. You will probably jump when you hear the pop no matter how prepared you are. It's okay.
 Lay the first can of dough out on your pan. Start at one end on the short side of the pan. Roll it out from long side to long side of the pan. Place second roll of dough up against first roll but not overlapping. Use a rolling pin to flatten dough and seal seams. Take a fork and randomly puncture the dough to keep it from bubbling up.
Bake for about 12 to 14 minutes.
Cool completely.

While the dough is cooling you can start on the veggies. Pull the stems out of the mushrooms and set aside. You can use them for another recipe but you won't need them for your pizza.
Use a paring knife to turn the tomatoes and mushrooms into helmets. With one hand, hold the tomato/mushroom. With the other hand, use the paring knife to make one slit down one side of the tomato/mushroom and then make one slit down the other side. Make a slit across to cut out a small square of tomato/mushroom. Place on a paper towel so the tomatoes can dry a little.

Now chop the broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. I use a manual food chopper.

Chop the veggies

 Now it's time to spread the garden vegetable cream cheese on the baked dough. Use an off-set spatula or anything that you have available to spread one and half containers of cream cheese on the dough. You can use more or less, depending on how much cream cheese you like.

Cooked crescent dough with cream cheese spread.

 Now it's time to make the field. Leaving room on each end for the end zone, spread the chopped broccoli over the cream cheese. Sprinkle the cauliflower in one end zone and the carrots in the other.

Place the softened regular cream cheese in a small baggie and snip off the corner to make it a pastry bag. Now pipe on the yard lines and decorate the helmets.

Pipe cream cheese on the helmets.
 Be sure to separate the end zones from the field. For the yard lines, start in the middle and evenly work your way toward the end zones.
You can use food coloring in your cream cheese if you want to get fancy. The black olive is the football. 

And there you have it.

Close up of the "field"


Until next time!


  1. I also like the Veggie Pizza...Make it in the Summer,its so cool and easy to make...that's what I like about it besides the taste....Super Bowl Veggie Pizza is adorable..!! Great Job,Tammy!!

  2. That looks yummy! Make the fruit pizza next ;)

  3. I'm going to try this.
